NDIS Self Managed

If you are paying your child’s Rainbow Club fees using Self-Managed NDIS funds, please follow the instructions below.

Do you have a voucher to use?
Email it to info@myrainbowclub.org.au first. We will claim the voucher and adjust your invoice accordingly. We will advise you when the invoice is adjusted and ready to pay.

Making Payment
Please log into the parent portal. The link to access the parent portal is https://parent.firstclasssoftware.io/rainbowclub

Select MY PAYMENTS from the main menu to view and pay your invoice.

Click on the green PAY button.

Select your payment method from the PAYMENT TYPE drop-down box.

  • NDIS – Self Managed – NDIS – Self Managed – Enter your child’s NDIS Plan information

Complete the Ezidebit Credit card payment form and click on PROCEED to finalise your booking.
Please note that there is a 0.20c transaction fee plus an additional 1.6% for visa/mastercard or 2.42% for AMEX payments.

If you need assistance, please contact Member Services at info@myrainbowclub.org.au

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