Matt Levy, Rainbow Club Board Member, is now in quarantine after his trip to Tokyo for the Paralympics. He reflects on his experience..

“Tokyo was a different experience to the past 4 games. We were competing 1 year later and in the middle of COVID-19. 

On a typical day, was every morning we had to conduct our COVID test and place it downstairs by 8am. Then we would take our temperature and log any COVID symptoms.

During the games, masks were worn all the time except if we were eating. We weren’t permitted to go to dining hall so all food was provided in the Australian building.

It was certainly an interesting experience and the easiest part of the process was racing. Hardest was remembering to take the mask off prior to racing.

I was thrilled with my results to come away with a bronze and gold at my 5th games.”

Rainbow Club loved watching Matt race and look forward to seeing him in the next Paralympics!

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