Swim the Rainbow and Visual Aids
- Swim the Rainbow is Rainbow Club’s model for teaching children with a disability and every Rainbow Club teacher must follow this program
- Lead Teachers make the final assessment about colours and where they have queries, please consult Nicola at swimming@myrainbowclub.org.au
- Must only use Rainbow Club Visual Aids and if you have recommendations to improve them, please let us know.
- 70% of parents have told us that they think Visual Aids would help their child.
- 40% have said that they don’t see them at their club.
Intro to Squads
Intro to Squads are becoming a significant element of Rainbow Club Swim the Rainbow Program and 6 clubs are offering squads. If you know of members who might benefit from being part of a squad, please let Jackie know. They can join one of our hubs below
Cherrybrook Sunday 3pm – 5pm
Hurstville Saturday 3pm – 5pm
Newington Saturday 4pm – 5 pm
Southern Highlands Saturday 1pm – 3pm
Sutherland Saturday 3pm – 4pm
Warringah Sunday 9am – 10am
Inpool Volunteers
It was terrific to hear the positivity from teachers about Inpool Volunteers and the great difference they are making. Please make their time at your club interesting and productive engaging them to
- Demonstrate a skill which a teacher is explaining to a student
- Assist teachers with lessons
- Water play
- Kicking legs
- Blowing bubbles
- Recording & timing laps for personal bests
- Racing with children